The television show began in 1973 ~ over 51 years later, we are now seen on YouTube.

To watch online, please go to the "Camp Meeting" Facebook page ... it is the one that has the words "Camp Meeting" in a circle.  There, you will be given a link to click on to watch the Jacobs Brothers show on YouTube.  This endeavor is "new for us" so we may be needing to work out a few kinks. 

Many friends called Pillars and Media Partners sponsor the program. 
Please join us for an up-lifting and inspirational time.

If you have been blessed by the ministry of the Jacobs Brothers show
and would like to ensure that it remains on the air,
please consider becoming a Pillar or Media Partner (monthly supporter).

Please contact us at 717-512-7512  Glenn Smith  OR  717-440-2315  Ardeth Bonner